December 2020: Yes you made it! Bring on 2021!

Marcia Crivorot Personal Stylist
BRING ON 2021!
Marcia Crivorot

There are a lot of things to say about 2020. It was challenging, it was sad but it has taught us so much. Especially to value the simple things around us, to be grateful, to enjoy and respect nature, to spend more time with our family - in-person or virtually.

It's funny but at the end of 2019, I was thinking about a word for 2020. It took me weeks to choose it but here it is simplicity. Now, it was a bit easier to choose a word for 2021: resilience. We still need to figure out how to keep going. But I'm sure we all will, right?

Thank you for being here, my clients, followers, students, and mentees. We are all in this together and we will make it work! 

I know that clothes and accessories weren't a priority in anyone’s life this year, and believe me, sometimes it was a bit of a struggle to write about style and fashion in the middle of a pandemic. But remember, my job is about helping you to understand your style, feel confident, and have fun getting dressed.

In case you have missed it, here are some of the latest posts I wrote:


1 - Are you going to have a small New Year's (or Zoom) party? Get some inspiration here.
Get ready for small holiday and zoom parties

2 - Are you planning to buy a winter coat? Find 7 tips to buy a coat.
How to Buy Winter Coats

3 - Leather clothes last for years, but now we also have good quality vegan leather.
Read more in this post here
Fall trend: Leather

4 - Do you like pearls? They are in again! Read “Pearls are for everyone, no matter your style".
Pearls are for everyone
I usually love to plan and brainstorm my goals for the next year. But this year I was feeling stuck to start planning 2021. Will I be able to see clients in person in February? Is it okay to plan an event for the Summer? That's why I decided to talk to Faith Burtamekh. She is a Life + Productivity Coach at Faith Marie Co. She helps ambitious women optimize life and business by mastering mindset, implementing systems, and increasing productivity. 
M: How to prepare for 2021 (virtual + in-person)?

Faith: Get really clear on how you want to serve your community. And then plan backward (reverse engineer) the steps to get you there. Once you're clear on the action steps, now, look at your plan again. Are there any steps or things to consider if you're working virtually or in-person? Select a service that can be easily adapted from in-person to virtual and vice versa. 

M: Give one tip to organize your day.

Faith: Plan for the upcoming day, the night before. You'll eliminate decision fatigue and start your day super focused. It doesn't take a lot of time to review your calendar and identify your top three priorities for the day. Do this along with tidying your workspace each night and you'll wake up feeling like you've already won the day.

M: Do you prefer a paper planner or a digital calendar?
Faith: I prefer and use both. I'm a visual person and I process better when I write things down. Using a digital calendar helps me manage appointments and meetings. What's more important is having a solid weekly/daily planning process. A planner/calendar is just a tool I use to organize my planning process.

How do you like her tips? I absolutely love them!

Follow Faith at her Instagram @faithmarieco.


I love shoes, and as a personal stylist, I know how a pair of shoes that are trendy can update clothes that we have for a long time.
Dear Frances is a direct to customer brand and their shoes are made in Italy. They are comfortable and stylish, and if they were from a big European brand, they would cost a lot more.

Happy Holidays and I wish you a wonderful, healthy, and safe 2021! 
Marcia Crivorot
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