Professional Wardrobe: The importance of having clothes that fit you well

This is a post from a series about the professional wardrobe I was invited to write for BPA - Brazilian Professionals Abroad.

The way your clothes fit you is very important for your professional image.

I highly recommend finding a great tailor. They can perform alterations and makeovers so your work attire will last longer.

When clothes fit you well, you look more put together and elegant.

Never skip spending money at a tailor. It's worth the investment! 

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Hi, I’m Marcia Crivorot, a Personal Stylist based in NY. I send newsletters with style tips, brands to know, and products twice a month. Unlock previous editions of my newsletters and receive my emails firsthand by subscribing.

Disclosure: Remember that I link products and companies based on their quality, my personal opinion, my experience, and my professional expertise. Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a small commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you buy something is entirely up to you.


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