Learn more about Color Analysis and how it will help you

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Recently, I've been getting many questions about color analysis and how it will help you. ⁣

I'm sure that many people want to take this test because they are a lot more interested in having a cohesive and sustainable wardrobe now.

After all, knowing the best colors for our complexion prevents us from buying things we find beautiful but never wear.

Even if you prefer neutrals, we know that not all beige or gray shades suit us. Some colors can wash us out.

However, the good news is that, during the analysis, you will learn techniques to compensate for these negative effects. And it's not only about your clothes' colors, but also your accessories, such as eyeglasses, jewelry, and scarves.

Besides, a color analysis will step up your hair game.

Are you thinking of dying your hair in a different color? Or embracing the gray?

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The color palette you get when you have your color analysis done will never change. On the other hand, your contrast does change whenever you decide to dye your hair or transition to gray. In any case, I have tools to help you understand and adapt your wardrobe based on your image goals.

Finally, I will advise you about makeup. This will make your shopping experience for a new blush or lipstick much easier.

As you can see, having your color analysis done is much more than just getting a color palette. That's why this service takes at least two hours! For more information, send me an email (hello@marciacrivorot.com) to schedule a call. I'll answer all of your questions!

Read more about color analysis:

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