How to make the best out of your wardrobe with a simple tip

My clients often complain that they wear the same clothes, but this isn't an issue. We should wear our clothes many times. The dilemma is when you have a wardrobe full of stuff and pick the same jeans and shirts every time you get dressed. According to some studies, women wear 20% of their wardrobe 80% of the time.

How can you challenge yourself to do it differently? Here's a quick tip that works for many people:

I advise my clients to have similar hangers in their wardrobes. When you have identical hangers, you create harmony. All the clothes will be at the same height and hung in the same direction. As a consequence, you will see everything.

But now I suggest you try something new.

After you put on a shirt or a dress this season, you will place the hanger on the opposite side. The next time you plan to choose a dress, you will remember to get a different one instead.

Clothes in hangers facing opposite sides

What if you don't like this other dress just as much as the first one? If you aren't sure about its fit, color, or style, this is a sign it needs to find someone else who will love it. 

What about your folded clothes?

Create two different piles or two different drawers, depending on your closet space. 

By the time this season is over, you will have a better idea of what works in your wardrobe, what you love, and what serves your lifestyle.

What do you think about this idea? Remember what I always say: shop your wardrobe first. Everyone has hidden gems. You just need to style it in several ways. 

For professional help, get a Style Bliss. This service will encourage you to make peace with your closet. Just send me an email at


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