Free for you: shop your color palette

Color is the element that has the most impact on what we wear - clothes and accessories.

It’s the first thing we notice in someone’s outfit, right? 

That’s why having your Color Analysis done is so important! 

I don’t think this test is outdated. It’s the opposite! 

It’s true: it was created in the 80s, but I always remind my clients that the test has evolved a whole lot. The idea is to make you think outside the box and see colors with other eyes.

During the appointments, I also talk about prints, color combinations, how you should wear clothes to achieve your image goals, and how you want to be perceived by others. 

Another topic I like to go through is hair color and makeup. 

These two are powerful aspects of color analysis, considering that everything we wear next to our faces is the most important!

Since we are starting a new season, I created a free catalog with options for clothes and accessories in each of the primary color palettes - Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. 

All the options are in the stores right now.  Click here (or the image below) and get your copy!

If you had your color analysis done and you know your palette, enjoy it and let me know what you think about my selection. 

If you don’t know your palette and are curious about the colors that enhance your natural beauty, contact me at We can schedule your color analysis in person or online. 


Disclosure: Keep in mind that I link products and companies based on their quality, my personal opinion, my experience and professional expertise. Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.


Five tips on how to wear red 


What we don't see, we don't wear