Professional Wardrobe: The importance of shoes

This is the fifth post of a series about the professional wardrobe I was invited to write for BPA - Brazilian Professionals Abroad.

The shoes we wear at work are very important for our image. Comfort matters, but we also need to consider that they play a vital role in our outfits.

  • Shoes can send different messages. They can be more traditional or casual. It all depends on the material or style.

  • For women, pointed shoes tend to be more formal than rounded toes. Sneakers are accepted in many work environments but avoid the workout type. There are plenty of different options out there!

  • Avoid noisy shoes that can disturb your colleagues. A cobbler can fix this by changing the outer sole.

  • For women, be careful with mules. It is not nice when someone gets too distracted and plays with their shoes at work to the point of taking them off.

  • Finally, check if your shoes need repair. It seems to be a small thing, but people do notice it. 

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