My favorite boots for Fall

Are you also crazy about footwear?

Maybe you don't like it as much as I do, but I'm sure you'll agree that a beautiful pair of shoes can change an outfit completely.

That said, let's talk about the ones we will probably wear in the next months: boots! There are so many interesting options out there for you to choose from right now. 

First, I hope you did your homework. I mean, you went to your closet and checked what you already own. Many of us end up forgetting about our shoes, after all, we haven't worn them since last winter. So now ask yourself the following three questions:

1- Are my boots comfortable?

I don't think you should keep anything that hurt you. If your shoes cause blisters or make your feet or legs sore after a short while, it's time to look for new ones.

2- Do my shoes need professional cleaning or a sole repair?

If their soles are worn out, take your boots to the cobbler right away.

3- Why are all my boots uncomfortable?

If you struggle with wearing all kinds of boots, why don't you try getting a half size bigger? Did you know that our feet might change during our lifetime? We live and we learn, right?

I brought some different styles that you can find in the stores at the moment. Maybe a new pair of booties is all you need to update your Fall collection. Let me know in the comments below how you like them.

By the way, how is your Fall wardrobe planning going?

If you're having a hard time creating outfits that represent your identity and lifestyle, send me an email at, and let's talk!

Disclosure: Keep in mind that I link products and companies based on their quality, my personal opinion, my experience and professional expertise. Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.


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