Marcia Crivorot

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It is time for Spring Cleaning again!

photo: Alyssa Strohmann via Unsplash

I was reading a post I wrote back in 2021, 12 Tips to do a Wardrobe Spring Cleaning, and I still think that it's an effective way to do it.

However, I know that most of my clients are busier this year because they started to work in person, or their kids went back to their regular school activities. So I believe you probably won't have time to do all your spring cleaning at once. I know I can't do mine!

Here are more relevant tips to help you on this Spring Cleaning journey:

  • First, create a list with categories. Include all the clothes and accessories you have. You don't want to miss anything. Write down everything such as T-shirts, sleeveless tops, short-sleeved tops, etc.

  • Start with one category. Review the pieces and decide which ones you want to keep. If you have time, tackle the second one on the list. If you don't have time, it's OK. Resume as soon as possible.

  • Put the clothes you have already reviewed in a separate area in your closet.

  • Don't forget the shoes. I assume you haven't worn some of them for two years (due to the pandemic). They might need some love. Take them to the cobbler for a repair.

  • If you love jewelry like me, it's also important to check them out. But you can leave them to the last part.

Finally, sort the clothes and accessories into three groups:

  1. the ones you will sell at a secondhand shop (if they are valuable and in excellent condition);

  2. the ones you will donate (if they are in good shape but you don't want to sell them or it's just not worth your time),

  3. the ones you will recycle (if they have moth holes or rips). Avoid throwing clothes away as they might end up in landfills. This is a problem for our environment.

 Do you have a different lifestyle than before the pandemic?

Did your job dress code or personal style change?

Are you finding it hard to get ready to work every morning?

Let me know your fashion struggles. We can discuss them in a free discovery call. Just send me an email at Sounds good?