How To Simplify Your Summer Wardrobe 

Summer is the perfect time to slow down and simplify. Even if you're working in the city or aren't planning to take any days off, it's still important to remind yourself to make everything easier so you can enjoy this hot but short season, right?

That's why I'm here. My goal is to facilitate your morning dressing-up routine. Follow these three tips to keep your wardrobe simple and efficient:

1. Clean up your closet.

Get rid of all the Summer clothes you don't like or aren't your size. Start by separating your pieces into two piles. In the first pile, collect all the clothes that don't serve you anymore. In the second pile, add items you aren't sure about keeping or not. They are the ones you're either emotionally attached to or still love, but they don't fit you at the moment (because of weight fluctuation, for example).

Donate or sell everything from the first stack. As for the second group, I suggest removing it from your closet. Put it all in a box or transfer it to another closet.

2. Don't categorize your clothes. 

Many people classify their garments as work clothes, weekend clothes, etc. I don't recommend it. I'm sure you have many pieces that you can wear on different occasions. For instance, a beautiful dress might be suitable for a happy hour party or a casual brunch. All you need to do is to change your shoes and accessories.

3. Summer clothes are a priority!

Until September, the first thing you need to see in your wardrobe should be your Summer clothes, shoes, and bags. Make sure that everything you love to wear and fit you properly are easily found and within your visual field!

Follow these three tips to make your life easier and less stressful. I promise it works!

 Are you struggling with your summer wardrobe? Do you need help with packing for an upcoming trip? Let's chat! Just send me an email at

 PS: I have many other articles with tips and inspirations for you. Take a look at some related posts below.

Disclosure: Keep in mind that I link products and companies based on their quality, my personal opinion, my experience and professional expertise. Some of the links in my posts are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.


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